I’m still plugging away at my 100 day project, taking photos of instant photos. I don’t love all of the photos but I’m loving having this instant photo record of this moment of time, this season of life. My son’s 10th birthday highlights his enduring love for all things LEGO. Most of our weekday evenings were full of baseball and soccer practices. I started a new yoga teaching gig. Our cat got featured twice in the project but has since gone missing. Those are two photos I’m really happy to have. And the evening skies this time of year? I could photograph them every single night.
I almost threw in the towel at day 50. Day 50 featured all (or a bunch of) my rejects. Also, by day 18 I upgraded from the Mini9 to the Mini90, mostly so that I could turn off the dang flash! Masking tape over the flash just wasn’t cutting it.
And I wasn’t sure I had anywhere else to go with the project. But this one isn’t about going bigger or perfecting anything. It is mostly about returning to the practice of shooting the life that I’m living day after day.
A week or so after hitting number 50, I was delighted and freshly motivated to learn several Instagram friends started their own daily project inspired in part by mine! You can follow along with theirs or join in yourself for a day, a week, a month, the summer on the hashtag #daysofinstapix. And you can follow mine at #tarainstapix or @tarawanders — 33 to go!
Next up in the blog circle is Cristy Cross talking about summer and screen time! This topic is a big one at our house too.