Fifteen of my favorite images from 2015.
the door is open
run wild and free
I am in the business of capturing moments.
This is a recent favorite from my own life. When I look at this image, I can feel the sunshine and I can hear the waves. I can hear his unbridled delight. I can feel his pure joy in -- after months of being buried under layers and layers -- running barefoot in the sand, wild and free.
This is why I love photography.
live for 5am sunrises and 5pm sunsets
After a long, dark winter, my heart felt so very alive.
Read Morefriday i'm in love: the instagram hashtag edition
Instagram has been one of my favorite photography communities. In the fall, I was thrilled to participate in a Shutter Sisters collaborative effort with Lensbaby and their mobile lens. Hashtag: #travelinglensproject
Here are a few new Instagram hashtags I intend to frequent:
The always-lovely Susannah Conway has been speaking my language lately. She's doing a daily photo and email prompt for the month of April -- April Love 2015 -- that I'm excited to do. Hashtag: #aprillove2015
Viewfinders is a new collaborative effort by some of my very favorite photographer friends. Hashtag: #viewfindersio
Do you Instagram? What about Vine? Snapchat? Meerkat? If you are on any of these and we aren't already connected, lets! Leave your handle in the comments.
You can find me most places @tarawanders