Without intending to, I may have embarked on another three sixty five. I’ve completed two before — one in 2011 and one in 2013 and vowed to never ever to do another! Don’t get me wrong, shooting every single day and also forcing yourself to select just one image each day really hones your craft and your editing eye.
I’ve found myself not picking up my camera as often in the last year or so, which seems silly because I live in the most beautiful (rental, ie only temporarily ours) house surrounded by wide open spaces and beautiful country. All the more reason to shoot while we live here, right? We rearranged a bit to put the Christmas tree in this corner and when it came down I liked having it open. I might even spend all of January shooting this window corner. Probably not always with me in it. I really hope not. I really had no intention of shooting another self portrait, ever. And yet, here I am!
The top photo was for an assignment: let a window do the talking. Most of these other photos were just me playing around with different angles and doing yoga as I do anyway on different days trying to figure out how to let that window talk. That I landed at the above image is a little bit funny to me because I went through a serious phase of soft focus self portraits several years ago but it didn’t occur to me to start there. But to tell the window story I wanted to tell, I landed on that effect. I almost spent this whole post talking about how I got there, but, since I actually shot seven days worth of photos in that same window corner, I thought I’d share one from each day.
The sun was setting. I loved the light. Tucker the dog must have too.
This was January 1. I’m not super into resolutions but this seems fitting all the same.
I teach yoga and some variation of this side body stretch is almost always part of the warm up. One of the things I first loved about yoga is the freedom you feel in your body when you move in ways you don’t during your normal day-to-day life.
This image was for another assignment. I was to “shoot a shadow” and it was rather overcast. I wanted to make myself shadowy translucent.
The first and last time I’d attempted grasshopper pose it was a comedy of nope, never-going-to-happen. Two years of regular yoga practice later and there is space where there once wasn’t. This was the first day I’d ever been able to get into and hold this pose! I first tried it upstairs on the carpet and then got brave enough to risk face planting on the hard floor. Yoga isn’t ever about the shapes you can or can’t make, but it also feels good to see changes in your body.
This is my least favorite pose. I’m sitting on a small block to help me tilt my pelvis forward. Also, it snowed.
I look forward to seeing how others in our little blog circle hop are kicking off 2019! First up is the lovely and talented Kristina Rust!