spring breakin: seven on seven

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We didn't go far this Spring Break. In fact, our mini-cation was something of a stay-cation, just two hours away from home. And yet for those few days, everything was different, we were different. We fell out of our daily routines and fell into the simple joys of time spent together. Other simple joys included: the scent of pine needles, a fireplace in our hotel room, naps on the deck, never ending bike trails. Our room had a tv, but it was never so much as powered on the entire time. Electronics were set aside for real live games of chess, spoons, Uno.

I wasn't sure my husband was going to make it back from a work trip in time to join us, but, he did and it made all the difference. It allowed us each to have some one-on-one time with the boys when they wanted to go in different directions. On the last day, the littlest one wanted to try indoor-boogie boarding on the wave rider while the eldest wanted to do more exploring on his bike. Julius took to the waves and I hit the trails. I let Jack choose our route and direct us on our ride. In turn, he was a little more willing to be in front of the camera. 

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one on one time is good
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Did you take a spring break anywhere?

Sunriver Resort is the place we stayed. We'll definitely be back.

Next in our circle is the lovely Kris McNeil, do hop over and see her images for this month!